Unix / Linux: Time a Command

Objective: Track the amount of time a command takes on Unix / Linux.

The time command can be used to track the amount of time taken for a command to run.

The above output indicates that the command took slightly more than 2 seconds to execute. The real time is the elapsed “wall clock” time. It is like using a stop watch to monitor the process start and stop time.

There are 2 variants of the time command. The first is the standalone external time command normally installed in /usr/bin. The other is a shell keyword or builtin command. To check if you are using the shell keyword / builtin or the external time binary, use the type command.

The about output means that the time command is a shell keyword, and the command will be executed by the shell. So, by default, the shell will not execute the external time command found in /usr/bin. On some shells, type command (eg. tcsh) will not work. Use which command instead on such shells.

To force the shell to use the external time command, use one of the two syntaxes below. Not all shells will support both syntaxes.

To get the elapsed real (wall clock) time used by a process in seconds, use the following syntax.

The above output shows that the “sleep 2” command took 2 seconds to execute, which is correct based on the argument “2” that was passed to the sleep command.

ibrahim = { interested_in(unix, linux, android, open_source, reverse_engineering); coding(c, shell, php, python, java, javascript, nodejs, react); plays_on(xbox, ps4); linux_desktop_user(true); }